What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
The only think that I disliked initially is that the instructions recommended that you hem the skirt by hand. However, I found this to be quite relaxing once I got into it. I have never hemmed anything by hand.
Fabric Used:
Stretch cranberry corduroy from my collection.
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made:
I cut a size 12 but ended up taking in about 1" on the side seam (rather than the recommended 5/8"). I think that would have placed me closer to a 10. I am a little apprehensive about cutting a 10 next go round since I had a stretch material this time which could accommodate being snugger. I don't know if a 10 will be too tight or am I truly somewhere between a 10 and 12.
The hip area did not fit me correctly. When I initially tried on the skirt, the hip area ballooned out. I changed the shape by sewing a slightly angled line in that area and it hugged my curves correctly.
I did the facing differently. See techniques section below for the link. I attached the facing directly to the zipper.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
Yes. I would love this in a stretch denim.
New Techniques I learned:
Click on technique for more information -
How to install an invisible zipper Click here
How to mimic RTW facings Click Here
Hemming by hand Click Here
I love the way this skirt fits. I didn't think I could do the high waist since I am naturally high waisted. Now my confession...while finishing one of the raw edges of the panels, my fabric flipped over and I cut through a very visible area of my skirt. I cried, seriously. It's right on my bum - can't see it in the photo but it is there. I guess I could wear a long sweater or a shirt out like my photo. Anyway I was bound and determined to finish this since my goal was to increase my sewing skills. Mission accomplished but I am not sure if I will ever wear this. Oh well!
Now I have some questions. When finishing seams do you typically leave them open like I have below or serge them together. I also think I didn't need to fold over the raw edge of my hem but could have simply left it flat since I serged the edge, resulting in a less bulky finish. What type of hand stitch is typically used for a hem?

That is a cute skirt, love the color. You did a great job.
Very cute skirt looks great on you.
love the cranberry on you.
i have some corduroy tht i hadnt used bc i didnt know what to make with it.... i may have to follow ur lead.
I like the way you've set your sewing goals up. Mind if I adapt your setup? I can see where planning the month that you will work on certain items would help me out too. The way I have mine, I just keep pushing it off and before I realize it the year is over and I've not practiced very much. I know if I can do the pockets, you can too.
Great looking skirt.
Very clean work. I fold over hems when using med. weight to heavy weight fabrics. I only leave serged edges when I sewing with knits. or with a lighter weight cotton or a skirt in a circular shape etc... I hope this makes sense. Your's looks just perfect.
Sweet sewing projects! I like your spring top, too. I serge seam allowances together often for side seams, and usually serge each piece and press the seam open for front and back seams. As for the waistband, I won't serge AND press the raw edge under b/c of bulk. I will usually stitch in the ditch for waistbands. It really is invisible to the naked eye, even when the stitching can get a tiny bit wonky.
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