Say hello to my new right hand girl - Grace.

She is part of the Babylock family also known as
BL40A. My mommy purchased this little gem for me back in May but it was on back order until July. Isn't my mommy so sweet! She insisted that I needed a new machine since I was using her old Singer from the mid-80's. I haven't had time to take my new owner's class yet - the kids are keeping me oh so busy this summer, but that hasn't stop me from playing with her. I did purchase from a authorized dealer here in GA so I could have local support. As I use her more and more I'll let you know how she runs. My old Singer will still be used just not as frequently. I think it will be fun to have 2 machines. Does that mean double productivity? In my case since I haven't been sewing 0 x 2 still = 0. I'm buckling down and really trying to manage my time better. Hope to see some results soon from my efforts and I plan to have more to show. Plus one kid is heading back to school so that gives me a little extra time.